Garden visitors

Copyright @LosAngelas


Last summer I bought this egg with nesting material for in my garden cause, even though we live in a city, we still get quite a few birds in the garden especially small birds like sparrows and blue tits. I was so pleased to see that my garden visitors appreciated their present and used it frequently. So when I had the chance I sat at a distance with my camera and waited…. and this was the result! So cool to get to experience it so close up!!


Copyright @LosAngelas


Copyright @LosAngelas

Also Cederic found a place to observe, on top of my airing blankets and in the sun. This is probably why he was not too bothered to try to get closer.

Copyright @LosAngelas


The Garden Chronicles: Beeezzz & butterfly

For eight years I have lived in this house, and although our garden is relatively big, and it does attract a lot of birds, this summer was the first time I saw a butterfly. So I rushed in to get my camera and grabbed my camera to capture the moment.

Also the lavender attracted a lot of beez, but these little creatures were so buzzzy buzzzy that wasn’t easy to get them in the picture. And i was disappointed to find out that the photo’s weren’t sharp or under exposed. There went my project.

On a lazy day I took the pictures, and saw if anything lost could be fixed, and quite frankly I was amazed with the results that came out.

Pretty arty beeeezzz pictures!

The garden chronicles – all about rain

garden & rain 10 - copyright LosAngelas

I live in Holland, actually in Haarlem to be exact, which basically mean that the summer is a hit or a miss… this year it started beautifully, blazing warm days, but unfortunately before we had time to get used to the actual sun  in July the rain came and it rained and rained and rained a bit more…

This is the only joy a I got from my garden back then; looking at it from the couch with the backdoor open, looking how the sky watered my plants for days and days.

Thank God, we have had some dry and sunny days lately, which I will post about later


garden & rain 11 - copyright LosAngelas

garden & rain 12 - copyright @ LosAngelas

garden & rain 15 - copyright @ LosAngelas



My garden is ready for spring.


After a long cold winter, the whole garden is barren looking, the ornaments are rusty & crusty and  even some pots did not survive.

And then yesterday there was the sun,  and even though it was still very cold, me and Brandy

(black&white in the right top) got outside to do some sweeping & tidying.

I can’t wait for in a couple of weeks, I’ll be planting some beautiful plants & flowers…

My garden is ready for spring….!!!